
Flood Risk Assessments

We produce flood risk assessments suitable for planning submissions for a variety of clients assessing fluvial, pluvial, ground water flooding to maximise development.

Drainage Investigations and Surveys

We can accurately trace, survey and investigate any private or adopted sewers using a variety of methods and liaise with our servicing partners to ensure you get the right information the first time.

Flood Alleviation and Mitigation Reports

We can produce reports to investigate flooding events and suggest/design mitigation measures to reduce the risk of re-occurrence.

Conceptual Drainage/SUDs Design

As part of a planning submission, developers will need to consider suitable drainage features to allow the site to drain effectively in line with the non statutory technical standards and various legislation. We can produce initial concept designs including storage capacity assessments to ensure a development

S23 and Environmental Permit Submissions

Works on or near watercourses require consent from the Lead Local Flood Authority or Environment Agency. We can assist with managing and applying for these consents.

Construction Surface Water Management Plans

Protect your development and profit from fines by ensuring the suitable mitigation measures for silt run-off. We can produce full surface water management plans suitable for all construction needs and for discharge of planning conditions.

Drainage/SUDs Maintenance Plans

We can prepare drainage/SUDs management plans to assist with the discharge of conditions for planning applications, as well as ensuring long term maintenance is secured for such features.

Planning Condition Discharge

We can prepare various flood risk and drainage statements to support your planning needs. Please contact us with your specific flooding/drainage planning conditions and we will look to assist you in gaining approval.